My parents are on their way up to visit from Miami. Before their grandson, the Juban Princeling, was born, my father came to New York
maaaaaaybe twice a year. Now they're both here every other month. Literally. They were last here in May, and before that in April, and they make no attempt to disguise the fact that they are here solely for the Princeling and no one else.
At least we get to ride along with the good times. Tomorrow we're going on a sailey boat! I have a cute little pirate t-shirt and matching shorts for the boy. My brother-in-law, Gilligan, has volunteered as a deckhand on the schooner Pioneer (part of the South Street Seaport Museum) for the past three years, so our new summer tradition is to sail on his boat. Back when I was preggo with the Princeling, being on the boat and enjoying the rocking motion was the only time I did not feel completely uncomfortable during my entire pregnancy.
The proud grandparents with the Princeling, on last year's sailey boat ride.
Then Sunday we're all going to a Yankees game, minus the boy and my mom. The only thing my mom loves more than seeing her grandson is getting alone time with him.
Sunday is also my parents' anniversary. My dad's perennial joke is that the country gained its independence...and he lost his! Har har!
Should be a fun weekend!